There’s lots going on and it’s all focussed on our mission
“to know, share and spread the love of God”.
Contact us: 01823 451257 office@southquantockbenefice.org.uk
Office usually opens: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9am – 2pm
Rev Jim Cox: 01823 802790: (07967817337) jimcox11@gmail.com
For all services please see ‘Services‘ page
Holy Week & Easter Services – click here
Bible Study Groups (LENT COURSE 2025)
Lent Course – 6 weeks
Wednesdays 7pm – 8.30pm OR Thursdays 10.30am-12noon
Begin Weds 5th March / Thurs 6th March
both held in the Benefice Office, Kingston
Contact the office to sign up please
This will be held in Kingston St Mary Benefice Office . Ring the office 01823 451257 for details.
Contact 01823 451257 or email office@southquantockbenefice.org.uk