You can be baptised at any age – if you are an adult wanting to be baptised please contact us directly for more information. Most of our requests for Christenings come from parents wanting to celebrate their child’s safe arrival with family and friends.
At our churches we offer two types of service both of which invite God’s blessing, but are quite different in their emphasis: The Christening (Baptism) service and the service of Thanksgiving for a child.
Details of the two services can be found here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can we have godparents?
A: Both services can include godparents / sponsors.
Q: When can the service take place?
A: Both services usually take place at 12 noon on set Sundays in the month, although they can form part of our normal Sunday morning services if you prefer. Please contact Michele (01823 451257) in the Benefice Office to discuss dates and timings.
Please note that we may have two families celebrating Baptism or Thanksgiving in the same service.
Q: What does it cost?
A: There is no charge for either of the services in church, but we really appreciate any donation that you can afford towards the upkeep of our beautiful churches. If you would like an organist to play at the service, there is a charge of £30.