To Donate

If you wish to donate to the church or to set up a Standing Order please see details below:

FIR PCC West Monkton

Sort Code 30-98-45

Account no: 03283927
Or just click here to donate:

Kingston St Mary PCC

Sort Code: 60-80-06

Account No: 70811253

Cheddon Fitzpaine PCC

Sort Code: 30-98-45

Account No: 00513778

Broomfield PCC

Sort Code: 60-80-06

Account No:  05803497

Gift Aid: It is possible for the Church to claim gift aid on donations – if you are happy for this to happen the church needs a form completed which gives agreement for gift aid to be claimed. 

Copies of the form can be obtained from the Benefice office.

If donations are specifically for the Benefice rather than a particular church please make payment to Kingston St Mary but mark the donation for the benefice.

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