Broomfield Church Repair & Conservation Project – Update February 2021
Broomfield Church requires extensive works if it is to remain open as a regular place of worship, centre for community events and as an active centre for local bell-ringers, and for regular and occasional visitors. Emergency works were undertaken to upper sections of the outside of the tower and to some of the electrics last year, but further works to the remainder of the tower, roof, walls, external and interior woodwork, and windows are urgently needed. Damp penetration has affected parts of the floor resulting in some pews subsiding. Further electrical works, plasterwork and redecorating are required.
Thanks to a loan from Kingston St. Mary’s PCC and generous donations from parishioners and the wider community, ‘seed funds’ were in place and led to successful grant applications for this £50,000 project: Allchurches Trust confirmed a £2,000 award and Viridor Credits for the major part of the required funds. We hope the formalities and legalities will soon be completed leading to works starting in the next few months.
The Covid related restrictions and church closure affected income over the last year, with fund-raising activities cancelled, regular giving by church-goers reduced, and the donations made by the hundreds of visitors from Fyne Court, the South Quantock Heritage Trail, and those seeking peace and prayer all affected.
When we are able we will celebrate ‘new beginnings’ when the church will be renewed and reinvigorated as the centre of the community as it has been for some 800 years.
Continuing thanks to all who have contributed through donations, prayer and support. We hope that you and others will continue to support this project. It is particularly heartening to see how the wider community from across the South Quantock Benefice and beyond has responded. Thank you!
If you feel able to help:-
To donate: BACS to A/C; 05803497 Sort Code: 60-80-06 or contact Broomfield PCC Treasurer John Earp: [email protected] or telephone 07785 31467