Kingston St Mary Church: The Blessed Virgin Mary

Kingston St. Mary Church
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The village of Kingston St. Mary sits on the edge of the Quantocks four miles north of Taunton. We have an excellent pastoral care group serving the whole Parish. Parents and toddlers meet weekly in the church. Our bell-ringers bring the best out of our famous bells. We have an active choir and excellent organists.

We are planning to re-order the church for the best provision for worship, fellowship and community usage. A new servery would help with our hospitality.

Churchwarden Contacts:
Jan Holmes: 451343

There are two schools in the village: a C of E primary school and Taunton International School (whose Chaplain leads our family services, held during term-time).

Our church (open daily) dates from the 13th century and dominates the village. The tower is perhaps the best of all the Somerset towers and the church is renowned for its marvellous carved oak bench ends. For some interesting cycle rides and walks which take you around the churches and show places of interest see the South Quantock Heritage Trail

The village has a popular pub, small garage, thriving village hall, social club, and a playing field with pavilion and playground. The many village organisations include the parish council, WI, gardening club, keep fit, badminton, amateur dramatics and local history group. There is an annual flower show and art exhibition. Link-up magazine keeps everyone up-to-date, as does the village website.

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