West Monkton church have their own website which you may like to check-out:
There is a newly built church of england primary school and excellent secondary school, thriving village hall, new community centre, a range of local shops and pubs and a garden centre within our Parish. Many clubs and organisations are based at the village and community halls including active Scout and Guide groups. The bulk of the newest housing lies within our boundary and we are working hard to welcome our new neighbours.
We have a small but loyal choir and organists. The church benefits both from a hearing loop and modern sound system. The active Mothers’ Union meets monthly. We experiment from time to time with more creative worship, which is well received.
Our building (open daily) dates from the 13th century with later additions and has a fine Somerset tower. It has some notable brass. There are eight bells and an active band of bell-ringers who are always keen to welcome anyone interested in joining them. Contact Pearl Jeanes – [email protected]
Various repairs have been carried out with the help of generous donations and grant aid: repairs to the south aisle roof, extended car park and new toilet. We have a sensory garden in the churchyard with the help of local schools.
We have created the South Quantock Heritage Trail walks and cycle rides, encompassing each church and other sites of interest in the Benefice.