Events in March 2025
MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
24th February 2025(2 events)
25th February 2025(2 events)
26th February 2025(2 events)
27th February 2025(3 events)
10:30 am: Meditation Group 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th Feb 10.30-12noon. Location supplied from office10:30 am: Meditation Group 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th Feb 10.30-12noon. Location supplied from office – Rev Jim Cox will be running a meditation group on Thursday mornings in February. A time of reflection and prayer. 10.30am – 12noon Starts Thurs 6th Feb for 4 weeks West Monkton area (address supplied) Please let Michele know in the office if you would like to attend. 01823451257: email: [email protected] |
28th February 2025(2 events)
1st March 2025(2 events)
2nd March 2025(6 events)
8:30 am: BCP Holy Communion8:30 am: BCP Holy Communion – A said service of Holy Communion West Monkton Church West Monkton Taunton, Somerset TA2 8QT 10:00 am: Common Worship Holy Communion10:00 am: Common Worship Holy Communion – A service of hymns and communion Kingston St. Mary Church Church Lane Kingston St. Mary Taunton, Somerset TA2 8HR 10:00 am: Morning Worship at West Monkton10:00 am: Morning Worship at West Monkton – A non communion service with hymns 4:00 pm: Evening Prayer in Broomfield4:00 pm: Evening Prayer in Broomfield – A service of BCP Evening Prayer |
3rd March 2025(2 events)
4th March 2025(2 events)
5th March 2025(4 events)
11:30 am: Ash Wednesday Holy Communion - Kingston11:30 am: Ash Wednesday Holy Communion - Kingston – Traditional Ash Wednesday said holy communion with imposition of ashes 6:00 pm: Ash Wednesday Holy Communion - West Monkton6:00 pm: Ash Wednesday Holy Communion - West Monkton – Traditional service of Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday with imposition of ashes |
6th March 2025(2 events)
7th March 2025(2 events)
8th March 2025(2 events)
9th March 2025(5 events)
8:30 am: BCP Holy Communion8:30 am: BCP Holy Communion – A said service of Holy Communion 10:00 am: Common Worship Holy Communion10:00 am: Common Worship Holy Communion – A service of hymns and communion West Monkton Church West Monkton Taunton, Somerset TA2 8QT 6:00 pm: Deanery Reflective Evening Prayer with musicians in St Andrews Church6:00 pm: Deanery Reflective Evening Prayer with musicians in St Andrews Church – United Deanery reflective prayer service with musicians from across the deanery leading the worship. In St Andrews Church, Greenway Ave, Taunton TA2 6HU Followed by refreshments |
10th March 2025(2 events)
11th March 2025(2 events)
12th March 2025(2 events)
13th March 2025(2 events)
14th March 2025(2 events)
15th March 2025(2 events)
16th March 2025(6 events)
9:30 am: Holy Communion9:30 am: Holy Communion – A service of Holy Communion with hymns 9:30 am: This service 9.30am in Cheddon Fitzpaine due to repairs in West Monkton9:30 am: This service 9.30am in Cheddon Fitzpaine due to repairs in West Monkton – West Monkton church is closed 16th March for some necessary repairs. They will join the service at Cheddon Fitzpaine at 9.30am 10:00 am: Common Worship Holy Commnion10:00 am: Common Worship Holy Commnion – A service of holy communion with hymns 11:00 am: Common Worship Holy Communion11:00 am: Common Worship Holy Communion – A service of Common Worship holy communion with hymns |
17th March 2025(2 events)
18th March 2025(2 events)
19th March 2025(2 events)
20th March 2025(2 events)
21st March 2025(2 events)
22nd March 2025(2 events)
23rd March 2025(5 events)
8:30 am: Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Holy Communion8:30 am: Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Holy Communion – A 45 minute traditional service without music. Kingston St. Mary Church Church Lane Kingston St. Mary Taunton, Somerset TA2 8HR 10:00 am: Common Worship Holy Communion10:00 am: Common Worship Holy Communion – West Monkton Church West Monkton Taunton, Somerset TA2 8QT 6:00 pm: Choral Evensong in Kingston6:00 pm: Choral Evensong in Kingston – Our 4th Sunday of the month Choral Evensong followed by wine & nibbles |
24th March 2025(2 events)
25th March 2025(2 events)
26th March 2025(2 events)
27th March 2025(2 events)
28th March 2025(2 events)
29th March 2025(2 events)
30th March 2025(4 events)
8:30 am: BCP Holy Communion8:30 am: BCP Holy Communion – A said service of communion following the traditional Book of Common Prayer 10:00 am: Mothering Sunday Service with holy communion in Cheddon church10:00 am: Mothering Sunday Service with holy communion in Cheddon church – A United Benefice service for Mothering Sunday with holy communion |
31st March 2025(2 events)
1st April 2025(2 events)
2nd April 2025(2 events)
3rd April 2025(2 events)
4th April 2025(2 events)
5th April 2025(2 events)
6th April 2025(6 events)
8:30 am: BCP Holy Communion8:30 am: BCP Holy Communion – A said service of Holy Communion West Monkton Church West Monkton Taunton, Somerset TA2 8QT 10:00 am: Common Worship Holy Communion10:00 am: Common Worship Holy Communion – A service of hymns and communion Kingston St. Mary Church Church Lane Kingston St. Mary Taunton, Somerset TA2 8HR 10:00 am: Morning Worship at West Monkton10:00 am: Morning Worship at West Monkton – A non communion service with hymns 6:00 pm: Evening Prayer in Broomfield6:00 pm: Evening Prayer in Broomfield – A service of BCP Evening Prayer |