
Events in September 2024

  • Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Evening Prayer

    Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Evening Prayer

    1st September 2024

    Broomfield Church
    Bridgwater, Somerset TA5 2EQ
  • BCP Holy Communion

    BCP Holy Communion

    8th September 2024

    A said service of Holy Communion

  • Common Worship Holy Commnion

    Common Worship Holy Commnion

    15th September 2024

    A service of holy communion with hymns

    Common Worship Holy Communion

    Common Worship Holy Communion

    15th September 2024

    A service of Common Worship holy communion with hymns

  • Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Holy Communion

    Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Holy Communion

    22nd September 2024

    A 45 minute traditional service without music.

    Kingston St. Mary Church
    Church Lane
    Kingston St. Mary
    Taunton, Somerset TA2 8HR
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